maanantai 30. joulukuuta 2024

Tundra + nuclear as a problem?


 " In the Yle internet news there was a picture in connection with an article about the shortest days of the year and I guess also about those where the sun does not rise at all that time of the year. There was a picture of a dark time of the day and night with reddish sunlight in the horizon and leafldss leaftrees in the front. Or then it was surprisingly dark taking into account tgat there ought to be snow. So maybe there was no snow and tgat was some women's idea of the goal. And so there maybe was some nuclear source of warmth - is that why it has been told of ice breaker ships which have a nuclear power plant in the ship, which have at least once gone on the nothern side of Russia from the northern Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean, which yjough was not lijed by Santa Claus who appeared to have lived on the nirthern ice cap. 

Anyway, some people liking tubdra seem to like very dark too. The winter nights in town in southern Finland are not that dark. So it is rither the summer times earth on tundra by the hoyses lived in, or then some emotionally felt ideal, like someone told that samoyed dogs were originally black in colour. Or then it connects with liking tropics or the like warm countrues, or then there really is nuclear power used in the tundra ir norther to get warmth snd darkness and maybe some get to go out so and maybe there can ve slme leaf tress etc. Such woukd be a result of winter too long, so the skills from the other seasons do not suppirt winter outdoors recreation etc. And because of tge people dying of frostbites and bexause some living so far from others ggat if they need to change place and go to some other indoors, they will have to stay there days, weeks or months, so they make murders or fuck and do not feel well about such since there us not enough room for natural healthy life. And so they think dark is theur thing. Would it help to have some emergency trabsport available, for example paid afterwards by some labour, trabsport to some town area where independent lufe is possible also winter time, fir example densely popukated area with a bus connection to recreation nature area.

Anyway, if there is nuclear piwer used for such big heating, it sounds unnatural. It is a thing which comes to mind from kniwing some engineering, and so it is maybe a thkng tgatbelobgs to the time of technology as new, when people still wait what dods common sense and objective picture of the world say of this. So it is the way some physicists etc try to solve problems by thinkkng, kibd of ask for objective thoughts, ways to fibd more fine-tubed solutilns. But if there is in human nature some unferstanding of weathers, such nuckear warmth is not nagural weathers in that sense. So maybe one's capacity isn't so big in such a life, and so one is more unwise. Lots of nice style streetlights on snowy streets and maybe walkways etc, typically would make one's mood happier. Would it be possible to divide the warmth and light to very many much smaller amounts? And knstead of melting the snos, suppirt some travellkng to more southern locations? More in the muddle of a continen it is said tgat temperatures vary more, while the lenght of the winter and of the darkest time depends ln how north one's location is. 

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If one wants to change climate, there is the blog teaching climate skills, but one must choose a climate and culture tgat one likes. My text ought to help in choosing between alternatives that one knows: how much of each factor one wants and has the skills for succeeding in learning, and what is clesrly too much or much too little of something, is there any place in such a spectrum where it would be nice and comfortable to live, the weathers charmkng and the culture like-minded to oneself. 

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31st of December 2024   Of the article one got the impression that people in the very north tend to think of both autumn like situation and of spring like situatiln when it is the dark winter time. But my experience of the four seasons in southern and eastern Finland is that one cannot think of the other seasons when livibg obe season, since the expectatilns of how life presently contknues in what comes to the amount of light, warmth, nature around, life possibilitues, etc, are so very different and typical for each of the four seasons ( constant: winter continues (Dec, Jan, Feb) / rapid change: hahaa, things are getting much better for life (Mar, Apr, May) / constant: these are all parts of summer (Jun, Jul, Aug) / rapid change to the opposite direction : let's see how we will find our autumn skills, piece by piece learn the tougher colder weathers before winter comes (Sep, Oct, Nov) , If one considers the winter important, one coukd at least in theory move to live where the winter months (December, January and February) are nice). So in the winter time one ought not think of the other seasons, but instead coukd think of early winter and of the spring side of winter, when it us not yet the spring winter. So presently lufe is like what is typical for the ongoibg season, which has it's iwn charm too, and after so and so many weeks it is likely spring. 

In my book about the four seasons (in southern and eastern Finland) there is in the parts late autumn and winter, something about the charm of those seasons. See 

My impression of how darkness is nice, is with the twilight like charm of it and some feeling of cool plus the weathers as something ages old, nice and beautiful. Such things of course like many liked thibgs charm in shirt enough pieces instead of labour like, to which spirts hobbies maybe offer some lightening plus music, nice warm free time. 

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